frequently asked questions
1. What is Xmester?
XMester is a summer residential experience for high school students entering their senior year. Xmester scholars earn college credits and invaluable experience at Vincennes University during the first week of Xmester. Scholars can enroll in a one-week two credit hour experience held at Vincennes University or a three-credit hour two-week experience held at Vincennes University and an approved Early College site.
2. What is the Xmester Summer Residential experience like?
Students stay on campus in a residence hall in June. They are enrolled in a college course, participate in evening activities and experience college life. The residence halls rooms are outfitted with two extra-long twin beds, two dressers, two desks, two desk chairs, trash can, curtains and/or blinds, closet space, phone jack, cable outlet, and internet outlet. Furniture cannot be removed or moved around the room.
3. Can students that do not attend a partnering Early College High School participate in Xmester?
Applications will be available in late February for students who do not attend a partnering Early College High School. Email and continue to the check the website for a link to apply for admission to Xmester.
4. Can students other than rising juniors participate in Xmester?
Only rising juniors and current seniors that have not previously participated in Xmester. Freshman and sophomores cannot participate in Xmester.
5. Can students take more than one course during Xmester?
Courses are accelerated and there is only time to complete one course.
6. How do I get textbooks for the course?
Textbooks will be provided to the student during Xmester. The cost of textbooks varies by course and are generally included in the overall cost of Xmester.
7. Must I have a roommate?
Yes, all participants will have a roommate. Scholars must complete the roommate portion of the registration form. This will assist staff in selecting a compatible individual for you.
8. Can I leave the Vincennes campus during Xmester?
Students are only allowed to leave the campus to participate in academic excursions sponsored by Xmester. Otherwise, students are NOT allowed to leave campus.
9. Are we allowed to have guests?
No. Guest are not allowed to be invited to campus. Girls and boys are never allowed in the room nor on the floor designated of the opposite sex.
10. What courses are offered at Xmester?
Xmester courses vary from year to year. A list of updated courses will be added to the Xmester page at least 6 months before the start of Xmester.
11. Which courses will transfer?
Acceptance of transfer credit is at the discretion of the accepting institution. Students are encouraged to visit to to found out if a specific course will transfer to Indiana colleges and universities.
12. How do I register?
Early College scholars must register for Xmester with their Early College site administrator. All other students must complete the Xmester application to be considered for registration. The Xmeter application for students not attending an approved Early College High School will be made available in late February.
13. What is the cost to participate in Xmester?
The individual cost of Xmester may be up to $900 based upon school district contribution, student status, and course credit hours. Tuition is $75 per credit hour.
14. Where is Vincennes University?
The school is located in the city of Vincennes, the county seat of Knox County, Indiana, about two hours southwest of Indianapolis city limits. 澳门足球博彩官方网址 is located in between Terre Haute and Evansville on Indiana-Illinois border. Get directions to campus.
15. What are the benefits to participating in Xmester?
- Earn college credits in a supportive and rigorous academic environment
- Easier transition into a college or university environment
- Take courses that are not offered at your high school
- Learn firsthand from outstanding campus leaders and mentors
- Get a head start in preparing for success in college and career
- Meet other students from across the state of Indiana